This small park is hidden away below the Meadowdale Playfields. It is right across the street from the waterfront, with a great view of the Olympic Mountains. Several picnic tables are scattered around the park, and there is a restroom facility.
This is one of Edmonds’ dog-friendly parks. Dogs are allowed in this park on the pathways as long as you obey the leash and scoop laws of Edmonds.
There is a swing set with a view of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains, and a climbing structure. A great slide is tucked into the hillside (try it – I did!). [2024 update: The slide is no longer there.] Above the park is a silhouette cut-out of the Olympic Mountains, with identifiers for all of the major peaks.

Just above the park, mounted on the railing, is a profile of the Olympic Mountains as seen from this vantage point. The major peaks are all labeled. This is one of my favorite features. Sunset views from this vantage are also great.

Below is a closeup of the profile, showing better detail of the information. Each major peak is identified, along with its elevation. This is a wonderful aid to identifying the Olympic peaks visible from Edmonds.

Haines Wharf Park locator map