Edmonds Photos

As I travel in and around Edmonds, I frequently run across scenes that make me want to capture it for one reason or another. This page is just a collection of such photos.

My photos of Washington State can be found here.

Coyote near Shell Creek

I’ve heard for years that there are coyotes along Shell Creek. I didn’t doubt that, but never saw one until several weeks ago. This healthy guy (or gal) was splashing through the creek, no doubt hunting, then stopped for this photo op in this grassy area. If you live near Shell Creek, this would be a very good reason to keep your cats indoors! (August 22, 2015)

Coyote near Shell Creek, Edmonds, WA
Coyote near Shell Creek, Edmonds, WA

International Space Station

This photo is of the night skies over Edmonds as the International Space Station (ISS) passed over June 10, 2015. It is actually 5 photos combined. Each photo was shot at ISO 1250, f/5.6, approximately 30 seconds, using a 10mm lens on a Pentax K-3 (35mm equivalent 15mm) then combined in Photoshop. You can clearly see the big dipper (cup down) just left of the middle of the photo. You can find out when you can see the ISS at your location at NASA’s “Spot the Station” site.

International Space Station from Edmonds, WA, Waterfront
International Space Station from Edmonds, WA, Waterfront

Milky Way from Edmonds

Who says you can’t see the Milky Way from Edmonds? It may be hard to see with the naked eye, but it’s there. This is a photo I shot of the Milky Way from my driveway (in the Edmonds Bowl) on August 3, 2014. Exposure was 30 seconds at F/2.8 at ISO 1600 with a 17mm lens. I did some post processing in Lightroom (Adobe Photoshop Lightroom): increased contrast, lightened the light colors (stars), darkened the darks and a few more things to make the stars stand out a bit more, but just increasing the contrast made the Milky Way obvious in the photo. The light at the bottom is from downtown Edmonds.

Milky Way from Edmonds, WA
Milky Way from Edmonds, WA

Sunset over Edmonds Waterfront

The evening of July 13 (2014), I walked out my front door and was struck by the odd lighting. Looking up at the sky, I saw what appeared to be a spectacular sunset approaching. I grabbed my camera and jogged down to the Edmonds waterfront (a few minutes away). There was a storm approaching from the south, which provided the interesting clouds to go with the brilliant colors.

Spectacular Sunset from Edmonds, WA, Waterfront
Spectacular Sunset from Edmonds, WA, Waterfront

Edmonds Christmas Tree

A little detour on my walk home from the Sounder train in the evening took me past the Edmonds Christmas Tree, all lit up. (December 11, 2013)

Edmonds Christmas Tree 2013, Edmonds, WA
Edmonds Christmas Tree 2013, Edmonds, WA

Rainbow on Edmonds Waterfront

About 6 am this past Thursday (May 23, 2013) the sky was dark with a light rain and the sun shining low under the clouds striking the waterfront just as the ferry approached the Edmonds terminal.

Rainbow over Ferry approaching the Edmonds, WA, terminal
Rainbow over Ferry approaching the Edmonds, WA, terminal

Olympics from Edmonds

The Olympic Mountains really stand out when seen from Edmonds. This photo was shot at about 8 am on January 1, 2011, just after sunrise. The best public place I have found for viewing the Olympics and the Ferries crossing Puget Sound is from the plaza behind the library. Maybe I’ll see you there one day.

Olympic Mountains and Ferry from Edmonds, WA
Olympic Mountains and Ferry from Edmonds, WA

Mushrooms Anyone?

I was looking for fall colors and found myself at Hickman Park. The trees in Restlawn Memorial Park cemetery across the road from the park caught my eye, so I strolled through there. These mushrooms were as brilliant as any of the trees. (November 2, 2012)

Mushrooms near Hickman Park, Edmonds, WA
Mushrooms near Hickman Park, Edmonds, WA

Fluorescent Fall Colors

This is the tree that caught my eye that led me to the mushrooms. Even though it was a cloudy day, this tree seemed to emit its own light.
(November 2, 2012)

Fire Red Tree near Hickman Park, Edmonds, WA
Fire Red Tree near Hickman Park, Edmonds, WA