Milky Way from Edmonds

Who says you can’t see the Milky Way from Edmonds? It may be hard to see with the naked eye, but it’s there. This is a photo I shot of the Milky Way from my driveway (in the Edmonds Bowl) on August 3, 2014. Exposure was 30 seconds at F/2.8 at ISO 1600 with a 17mm lens. I did some post processing in Lightroom (Adobe Photoshop Lightroom): increased contrast, lightened the light colors (stars), darkened the darks and a few more things to make the stars stand out a bit more, but just increasing the contrast made the Milky Way obvious in the photo. The light at the bottom is from downtown Edmonds.

Milky Way from Edmonds, WA
Milky Way from Edmonds, WA

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